As we approach the holidays, the end of one year and the beginning of a new one, many couples who are having difficulties in their marriage start thinking about making changes in the new year. For many couples that means-divorce.
For couples that have never traveled this road before, it can be daunting. When it comes to divorce, the legal system by its very nature pits people against each other with the promise of only one winner and with no room for compromise. I say, “ if you once were in love, able to organize your lives and build a life together, you should be able to discuss and organize your lives to dissolve your marriage and to live apart.” I often tell clients with Mediation everyone is a winner. Mediation offers a less painful way to approach divorce. Mediation is a different way of viewing divorce and I like to recommend Mediation to clients as the peaceful alternative.
Mediation is a negotiated agreement between divorcing spouses on the important issues: children, finances and property. The divorce mediator is there to keep you on track, make sure negotiations are fair and to make suggestions when you hit a road block. The focus of mediation is you controlling your own divorce. Not Judges and Not Attorneys. Couples have the opportunity to discuss their personal needs and priorities and to arrive at an agreement they both can live with.
Another appealing aspect of the mediation process is time and cost. Most divorce mediation cases can be resolved in months instead of years, and can cost tens of thousands of dollars less than fighting your case in court. Mediation, the less adversarial approach to divorce will keep more money in your pocket, give you peace of mind, and divorce mediation will help you keep your dignity in the process.
When couples are considering divorce I try to introduce the more peaceful approach first. Even when couples are angry I have found Mediation to be a process that can work. Not all divorces can be resolved using mediation but the ones that can, should. There is no easy path to divorce but divorce mediation is a less painful road to travel and should be embraced as the peaceful alternative in 2011.