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Your Divorce Can Be Peaceful! Find Out How...


During these challenging, uncertain times, as a divorce attorney and mediator, I am happy to offer spouses a peaceful approach to divorce.

It gives me great pleasure to offer a productive alternative to litigation, combative lawyers, and expensive attorneys’ fees.

For couples that have never traveled the divorce path before, it can be scary, confusing, and overwhelming. When it comes to divorce, the legal system by its very nature is adversarial, pitting people against each other with the promise of only one winner and with no room for compromise. I say, “If you once were in love, able to organize your lives and build a life together, you should be able to discuss and organize your lives to dissolve your marriage and to live apart.”

I often explain to spouses, with mediation there are no losers; everyone is a winner. Mediation offers a more human, less painful way to approach divorce. Mediation is an opportunity to see divorce and your spouse through a different lens.

Mediation is a negotiated agreement between divorcing spouses on the important issues: finances, support, property, and children. As the divorce mediator, my role is to facilitate your discussions, keep you on track, offer you suggestions when you hit a roadblock, and to make sure negotiations are fair.

The focus of mediation is for you to control your own divorce. Spouses have the opportunity to discuss their personal needs and priorities and to arrive together, with my help, at an agreement that is fair to both parties.

Another appealing aspect of the mediation process is time and cost. Most divorce mediation cases can be resolved in weeks to months instead of years. It can cost tens of thousands of dollars less than fighting your case in court.

Divorce mediation, the less adversarial approach to divorce, will keep more money in your pocket, give you peace of mind, and help you keep your dignity in the process.

When spouses are considering divorce, I try to introduce the more peaceful approach first. Even when couples are angry, I have found that the mediation process can work well. Not all divorces can be resolved using mediation but the ones that can be, should.

There is no easy path to divorce but mediation is a less painful road to travel and is more and more being embraced as the peaceful alternative!

As a divorce lawyer, psychologically trained mediator with a medical degree, and as a mom, I can help you while you are divorcing to put your family first.

Here is what is important to most spouses in any divorce process:

  • to be heard;
  • to be informed;
  • to be understood;
  • emotionally supported;
  • have things done in a timely manner;
  • get a fair settlement;
  • avoid court;
  • not have to spend their life savings on lawyers.

If you trust me with your divorce, I will do all the above and more to help you and your family find peace and a fair settlement in your divorce process.

Having a highly skilled and effective attorney/mediator to help facilitate a healthy, informative conversation about divorce can be an effective first step. Let’s take it together.

Call to schedule your free consultation now!

I look forward to speaking with you.

Warm regards,


Learn about the many benefits of mediation! Call New York Divorce Lawyer and Mediator Lois Brenner now to schedule your free consultation. 212.734.1551
