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Getting Ready to Walk Down the Aisle for Your Fall Wedding? Need a Prenuptial Agreement Drafted or Reviewed?

Getting Ready to Walk Down the Aisle for Your Fall Wedding? Need a Prenuptial Agreement Drafted or Reviewed?

Many couples are getting ready to walk down the aisle for a beautiful fall wedding! You’ve done all the exciting work for an amazing wedding day. You have found the perfect band, chosen the most exquisite venue and you have tried on a million wedding dresses, and finally found the right one! But have you discussed your future together? Your needs, concerns, expectations, finances? If not, you should! Let me help you with that conversation!

A prenuptial agreement enables couples to have in-depth discussion about uncomfortable, but significant marital issues. Money matters, in what religion you plan to raise your children, family business ownership, and planning for inheritance are just a few important topics that are brought to the forefront.

As a seasoned, psychologically trained and creative family law attorney and mediator, I can help you craft an agreement that will protect you and your future.

Prenuptial agreements can be fair when the people are reasonable. Speak now or forever hold your peace. You will learn a lot about your spouse’s generosity and reasonableness from what’s proposed in a prenuptial agreement.

It’s important to keep in mind whoever selects the attorney to draft the agreement may have an advantage. That is why the other party should take the draft to an attorney of their choosing to carefully review the agreement and protect their interests. It’s important to discuss and be aware of what a spouse would be entitled to in the event of a divorce without such an agreement and what you could be giving up.

When a client asks me to review a prenuptial agreement that has been drafted by an attorney chosen by their partner, I look very carefully not only at what has been included, but also at what has been excluded!

When I review prenuptial agreements, I often find some very important issues are left out:

  • estate rights
  • spousal support
  • marital property
  • share of a business or professional practice
  • income during marriage
  • possession of the marital residence

It’s also important to know what you as a spouse would normally be entitled to in a divorce and what you are being asked to give up in the agreement.

If you are about to walk down the aisle and need a prenuptial agreement drafted or reviewed, I will tell you what needs to go in your agreement and make sure your rights are protected! So, call me!

I have been drafting and reviewing prenuptial agreements for over 35 years!

Call to schedule your free consultation today!

I look forward to drafting or reviewing your prenuptial agreement!

Happy Wedding Wishes,


Call New York Divorce Lawyer Lois Brenner to have your prenuptial agreement drafted or reviewed right now!

Call 212.734.1551
