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Divorcing? I Can Help You Without Judges, Courts or Lawyers! Find Out How…

Divorcing? I Can Help You Without Judges, Courts or Lawyers! Find Out How…

After witnessing the pain of many couples day after day, as a divorce attorney and mediator with medical training, I decided to develop a unique psychologically-infused mediation process to address divorce in a more humane and civil way.

My method addresses both the emotional and legal intricacies of divorce.

I offer couples emotionally tempered guidance and stealth legal and psychological strategy to handle their challenging divorce journey.

Mediation offers a more amicable, less painful, less expensive approach to divorce. Everyone is a winner!

With my medical training, I am uniquely effective, especially when my highly successful divorce mediation method is used to work with spouses dealing with character disorders like: depression, narcissism, bipolarity, and borderline personality disorders, to name a few.

So what is mediation?

Mediation is the process of one person helping a couple negotiate an agreement on the important issues like: children, finances and property. The divorce mediator is there to keep you on track, make sure negotiations are productive and to make suggestions when you hit a roadblock. The focus of mediation is your controlling your own divorce. Not judges and not attorneys. Couples have the opportunity to discuss their personal needs and priorities and to arrive at a mutually acceptable agreement.

Part of my role is to direct the couple to talk about what they want for the future. This feels sort of strange to the couple who is used to arguing about past behavior. In my process as mediator, I will summarize, emphasizing useful information and ignoring irrelevant and emotional comments. Another technique I use is “normalizing,” where I will reassure a couple their problems are not unique, and that other people have struggled with the same issues before and have successfully resolved them.

I advise my mediation couples that they can each consult a divorce lawyer at any time. This knowledge can be reassuring to a timid spouse who feels he or she will be bowled over by a demanding partner.

Another appealing aspect of the mediation process is time and cost. Most divorce mediation cases can be resolved in weeks or months instead of years, and can cost tens of thousands of dollars less than fighting your case in court.

Mediation, the less adversarial approach to divorce will keep more money in your pocket, give you peace of mind, and divorce mediation will help you keep your dignity in the process.

When couples are considering divorce, I try to introduce the more peaceful approach first. Even when couples are angry, I have found mediation to be a process that can work. Not all divorces can be resolved using mediation but the ones that can, should.

If you are ready to make a change in your life and you are thinking of divorce, take the first step with me. Remember, starting over requires confidence, courage and determination. You can do it!

If you need help with making this change, call me. As a divorce attorney/mediator and medical professional, I can coach you on how to safely approach your spouse with the difficult conversation about divorce. It can be a lot easier than you think. I will be happy to share with you some of my truly successful methods.

Let’s talk. You have everything to gain! Learn more about mediation right now!

Schedule your free consultation today!

Warm regards,


Call New York Divorce Lawyer Lois Brenner now to learn how divorce mediation can make your divorce less painful, and less expensive.

Schedule your free consultation now! 212.734.1551
