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How to Compassionately Divorce a Mentally Ill Spouse!

How to Compassionately Divorce a Mentally Ill Spouse!

As a medically trained divorce attorney and mediator, I hear from a lot of spouses who want a divorce because they have realized they have been living the horrors of being married to a narcissist or sociopath.

But there are other personality and mood disorders affecting marriages today. These include depression and anxiety.

As a medical professional and divorce attorney, I see all of these mental health issues infecting the fabric of many marriages. Some of these disorders are less obvious than others, but they disrupt marriages just as profoundly.

Divorce is never an easy decision, and when a spouse is struggling with mental illness, it can make the process even more complicated. It's important to approach the situation with empathy and understanding.

It is sad when mood disorders are ignored and not treated. In addition to therapy, there are many medications that make an enormous difference.

I have treated many patients with mental illness while working in medical offices, and I recognize them in my legal practice. If the symptoms were acknowledged, it might be possible to seek treatment and save the marriage.

Here are some of my suggestions that you may find helpful on how to compassionately divorce a mentally ill spouse.

  1. Seek Professional Help.

Before making any decisions, it's important to seek the advice of an attorney/ mental health professional. Unlike other divorce attorneys, I am a divorce attorney and a medical professional. I have a comprehensive and effective approach to divorcing spouses with mental health issues. I, along with medical professionals on my divorce team, provide support that can help your spouse manage their symptoms and navigate the divorce process.

       2. Be Empathetic and Understanding.

When discussing divorce with your spouse, it's important to approach the situation with empathy and understanding. Mental Illness can make it difficult for individuals to process emotions, and your spouse may not react in the way you expect. Be patient and give them time to process the news. It's also important to validate their feelings and let them know that you understand how difficult this is for them.

  1. Communicate Clearly and Respectfully.

Effective communication is key during the divorce process. It's important to communicate clearly and respectfully with your spouse, even if the conversation is difficult. Avoid blaming or criticizing your spouse, and focus on finding solutions that work for both of you. My unique, multi-pronged mediation process is often the perfect vehicle for a compassionate and fully supportive approach for thoughtful conversations where both parties can safely be heard, while calmly discussing and negotiating issues.

  1. Consider the Impact on Children.

If you have children, it's important to consider their needs throughout the divorce process. Children can be deeply affected by divorce, especially when one parent is struggling with mental illness. Be open and honest with your children, and reassure them that both parents love them and will continue to be a part of their lives.

I tell spouses that call me during our free consultation not to suffer in silence. If you or your spouse are dealing with mental illness in your marriage, there is help.

My mediation process has a unique psychological component. Unlike other divorce attorneys, because of my medical background, I can identify and address mood and personality disorders affecting the marriage, and provide useful tools to help you move through the divorce process more effectively and with less pain.

My highly successful mediation process will help you divorce with a targeted psychological approach, if needed, combined with solid legal strategy to get you the best possible results.

Don’t hesitate to call me if you need help. Schedule your free consultation today!

Remember that divorcing a mentally ill spouse is an emotional process, but with the right support and guidance, both you and your spouse can move forward in a healthy and positive way.

Warm regards,


Call New York Divorce Attorney Lois Brenner right now to learn how to compassionately divorce your mentally ill spouse.

Schedule your free consultation today! Call 212.734.1551.
