New York Divorce Litigation Attorney
When Divorce Litigation Would Be Necessary
Divorce litigation refers to a court action that occurs when a couple wishes to divorce but cannot agree on the terms of their separation. If both spouses are unable to reach a settlement agreement on their own, litigation would be necessary. However, if the couple can negotiate an agreement, no litigation need occur. The lawyers would simply draft the agreement and present it to the court.
If the parties cannot agree on issues such as spousal support, child custody, or the distribution of their property, a judge will make these decisions. During litigation, both spouses will be asked to present evidence—which may be in the form of expert witnesses, testimony, or financial documents. The court will then consider this evidence to make a determination on the contested matters of the divorce.
Litigation: The Traditional Approach to Divorce
If you and your spouse are unable to compromise on important issues like child custody, child support, or property division, you may be headed down the path to the courthouse.
Here are a few things you should keep in mind about divorce litigation:
- Your divorce can take months or years to resolve
- Litigation is the most expensive form of divorce
- Divorce litigation requires you to appear in court
- You will need to hire a New York divorce attorney
- All important decisions will be made by a judge
In some cases, litigation is simply unavoidable; however, you should know that you have choices. At Lois M. Brenner, Esq., we can help you decide if litigation, negotiation, or mediation is right for you and help you avoid going to court.
Schedule Your Initial Consultation with Lois Brenner Today
Lois M. Brenner, Esq. is a nationally recognized divorce attorney, highly respected litigator, accredited mediator, and psychologically trained medical professional with decades of experience. If you are searching for a divorce lawyer who will fight for you, look no further than Lois Brenner. Our team has been serving New York City families for more than 35 years, helping them obtain the best possible results.
Call Lois M. Brenner, Esq. today at (646) 663-4546 to schedule your initial consultation.
“You are extremely knowledgeable and the consummate professional.”- Ben and Jill
I am a highly successful money manager and before meeting Lois Brenner, hiring a divorce attorney was a disaster. Two previous divorce attorneys really wasted my funds, and had no savvy when it came to asset and property distribution. Lois Brenner finally fixed the mess I was in. She and her team of financial experts, including attorney Matthew Ehrlich were able to prepare an asset and property distribution that was realistic, keeping in mind tax ramifications, and important distributions and allocations. They negotiated a thorough and financially sound divorce settlement. If you have a lot of assets, just any divorce attorney won’t do. You really need someone with a lot of knowledge. Lois Brenner and Matthew Ehrlich were really impressive. Thanks!!- Michael C.
“You are truly the best divorce attorney in New York!”- Christine
Lois Brenner is a remarkable attorney and compassionate advocate for dads. She guided me when I was confused and didn't know what to do to get shared custody of my daughter. She encouraged me to stay strong and to fight, and she negotiated a much better custody arrangement than my previous lawyer. What great attorney. Thank you Ms. Brenner- Christoff
“Expert, Compassionate Counsel”- Alisa
We have Lois Brenner to thank for turning our marriage around. We hired Lois as our mediator when we were considering divorce. When we started working with her and she realized we wanted to try to keep our marriage together she suggested a postnuptial agreement to get our marriage back on track. Having the postnuptial agreement made us both accountable when it came to our issues. Having this doc in place is clearly helping us redefine our marriage in a better way. I don’t know if we will never get divorced, but for now we are respecting each others’ boundaries and are aware of the consequences if we don’t! It was really cool that Ms. Brenner suggested this method as an option. Most divorce attorneys would not have suggested a way for us to try to stay together. She is very talented and unusual in the best possible way. If we choose to take the divorce path eventually we will definitely hire her again. In the meantime we are making it work. She is amazing.- Joseph M
I have hired Mrs. Brenner and had the best experience with her in my complicated and intense divorce. She was there for me all the way, always answering promptly any questions I had. She gave me the best advice, in such a caring and kind way. She has an amazing team of specialists, that will cover any needs you might have. I highly recommend Mrs. Brenner, you can feel she’s got your back!- JN
I had a complicated situation wherein I had to get a divorce through publication as my husband and I had not been in contact for 5 years and I was out of the US for a few years. (it was an abusive marriage) I reside in Buffalo and I spoke with several attorneys locally but I did not feel that any of the local attorneys were able able to understand my situation. Some suggested that I locate my husband, and each one of them wanted to start by identifying and listing the assets. Unsatisfied, I started looking for attorneys in NY city, and I found Ms. Brenner through Avvo. During the consultation, she was extremely kind and understanding and agreed to take on my case. Ms. Brenner helped me get a divorce through publication and she/her team took care of everything. All I had to do was provide her with documentation. I am grateful to Ms. Brenner for helping me get out of a sticky stressful situation. I would definitely recommend her to anybody in a similar situation. Thank you, Ms. Brenner.