Domestic Partnerships in New York
How Is a Domestic Partnership Defined Under New York Law?
In New York, a domestic partnership is defined as a legal relationship between two people who live with one another and share much of their lives, but are not married or united in a civil union. Under some state laws, including those of California and Nevada, domestic partnerships function in much the same way and legally recognized unions, whereas other states may bestow fewer rights to individuals in domestic partnerships.
How the law views domestic relationships is continually evolving, and depends on the jurisdiction where a couple resides. For example, couples who reside together for a long period of time may be eligible for various legal rights in a domestic partnership, provided it is established in the jurisdiction. Ultimately, registration of a domestic partnership allows for the jurisdiction to formally recognize the relationship.
Protecting Your Rights through a Domestic Partnership
Domestic partners may be entitled to certain rights, including the recognition of contribution one individual makes to the property of the other. Devices like the constructive trust are options which may be used by partners in legal marriages, but may not be available to domestic partners. This has prompted courts to find another way to protect the partner who makes contributions to the other’s property.
Some couples enter into a domestic partnership to agree on issues involving:
- Property ownership
- Support obligations
- Issues common to marriage
Same-Sex Marriage vs. Domestic Partnerships in New York
Although same-sex marriage is now legal in all U.S. states, domestic partnership is still an option. It does, however, come with more limited rights. In New York, lawfully married individuals, including those in same-sex marriages, are entitled to more rights and benefits than those registered as domestic partners. Furthermore, if a couple enters into a same-sex marriage in a state other than New York, they are still entitled to some of the same rights and benefits available to lawfully married couples in the state.
If you have questions about domestic partnerships in New York, please schedule an initial consultation with our divorce attorney, Lois M. Brenner, Esq. Call now: (646) 663-4546.
“You are truly the best divorce attorney in New York!”- Christine
“Thank you for doing such a tremendous job!”- Bill
“Expert, Compassionate Counsel”- Alisa
Amazing, Skillful Mediator!!!! We went to see Lois Brenner for a mediation consultation. We had pretty much decided our marriage was over. We just wanted to end things fair and amicably. Lois Brenner spent so much time with us, and gave us great insight as to how the process would help us, we hired her on the spot. Our sessions thereafter were stealth. She organized us, helped us identify and address all the issues. She showed us how to communicate effectively throughout the process. We were able to address all our issues, especially property and finances, arrive at a comfortable settlement agreement, and now we are waiting for the judge to sign our divorce. What an extraordinary process. I highly recommend Lois Brenner and mediation. She’s super, and mediation really works.- Maggie & Josh
Connecting with Lois was the best thing that could have happened during what has been very difficult and fraught divorce. Lois took on my case with knowledge, wisdom and care that have been above and beyond in every way. She recognized abusive and unstable behavior in my ex-husband, and offered both strong legal guidance, as well as personal encouragement and strength to stand up to him. Her support has been invaluable to me, and I am so deeply grateful for everything she has done in helping forge a better more stable future for me and for my son.- SC
I met Lois Brenner at a networking group. She spoke on divorce and mediation. At the time I was not in need of a divorce attorney but was so impressed I kept her information. Two years later I hired Lois Brenner and I am finally separated from a man who nearly destroyed my life. Although we were able to do this with her in mediation, it was not easy for me. She really kept me strong, and on top of myself. She was helpful with both of us, and encouraged each of us when needed. It was much better than going through the court system. It took a lot less time and saved us money too. I can’t say enough about her. She is a special attorney. I tell everyone who will listen how special she is.- Pilar
I have hired Mrs. Brenner and had the best experience with her in my complicated and intense divorce. She was there for me all the way, always answering promptly any questions I had. She gave me the best advice, in such a caring and kind way. She has an amazing team of specialists, that will cover any needs you might have. I highly recommend Mrs. Brenner, you can feel she’s got your back!- JN
I had read about Lois’ unusual divorce method in one of her blog posts. It was refreshing to see someone was working with the psychological issues in divorce. My husband is bipolar and getting him to agree to a divorce and commit to the process was tough. When we met with Lois she really understood him. She immediately identified his mental health issues, and because she has a psych background, she was empathetic to his needs and was skillful at guiding him through her divorce mediation process. It took a while but she really got us to a point where we could actually discuss things without my husband blowing up. Her method is unique and it really helped in our situation. She actually recommended a great psychiatrist who changed my husband’s meds at her urging (she has a medical degree too), and my husband is coping much better. We can’t thank her enough for her compassion and advice! If you need a divorce attorney, especially if mental illness is a part of the fabric of your marriage, go see Lois! Thanks Lois - Lorna P.